density… there i said it.

As an urban planner I am constantly reviewing, thinking, agreeing or fighting against density. Housing density that is.

An article in yesterday’s paper about Melbourne City’s potential expansion options was interesting. It describes a possible option to expand the Capital City Zone and to remove height restrictions throughout it.

This article, along with the general topic of housing density causes a great deal of debate. NIMBY-ism (not in my backyard) is at it’s best when we talk about density. Housing density, population increase, over population… the world’s population is growing. FACT. And we need to do something to accommodate this population growth to ensure that all those who have decided (or have no other option) to live in a City can have access to decent homes, services and employment.

Melbourne’s population density is not high when compared to other world cities. However with a predicted population increase of 1500 people per week into this city, we need to start seriously thinking about where these people are going to live.

Melbourne currently has a conservative view on density. With neighbours objecting to every and any planning application which includes an increase in housing density or an additional storey.  We need to start building upwards, not outwards.

I recently watched a video of  a conference in New York City (November 2011) (Addressing New York City’s 21st Century Challenges). I was very interested in a comment made by one of the speakers…

if everyone on this planet lived at the density of New York City, we could fit all human beings in an area the size of Texas….

Now that’s just amazing.

It just goes to show how important housing density is and the benefit it could play in reducing pressure on our greenfield areas and outter city locations….

I’m all for building up and not out….

One Comment on “density… there i said it.”

  1. Good post. Thank you for liking my post.

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